

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Our faithful friends

"Put your head on my shoulder"

The relationship between a person and their horse is something magnificent. I have a new horse in my life, Denver, and we are working through ten years of mistrust. The glimmers of a bond are there, and I am excited to work with him to bring them out. He has a forever home now, and he has never had that before.  I am honored to love, *spoil*, and work with him so that he has the happiest life possible. He may never know how much joy he brings me everyday, but what I have learned about trust and gentleness from Denver could never be replaced.

I say all of this to draw attention to how important our relationships are with our animals, and how these relationships are so underestimated. Our animals can heal our hearts, bring us joy, be a companion, and love us no matter what we perceive our own faults to be.  To me, these beautiful animals are reflections of God, and though they may try our patience sometimes ( just like kids!), they give us the chance to live a fuller, happier, and more connected life.

We should celebrate this bond!

Grab some tissues and watch this beautiful Youtube video by Wendy Fransisco

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